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Torrey Elijah Brown, Jr.












The relationship between Torrey’s parents Sharrieckia Page and Torrey Brown Sr. had fallen apart, and Torrey Sr. was rarely allowed to see his son in the months before his death. Torrey’s mother had been saying “frightening” things, that Torrey Sr. and grandmother Corinthiah Brown recalled, Page called Torrey Jr. a crybaby and said she was going to strangle him. 


Corinthiah Brown called child-welfare authorities a few months Torrey died, she said. She told them the baby’s mother was overwhelmed and that she feared for Torrey’s little life. She was afraid that she would hurt him or his older siblings.

She was allowed to keep the children overnight. She was then told by  a caseworker that she was overreacting and was ordered to give the children back to their mother. This was a fatal mistake.


On March 1, 2012 six month old Torrey was gone. Torrey Brown Jr. was suffocated and thrown in the trash by his mother. At first, Page told Torrey Sr. she had sent him to live with relatives. After a painstaking, 52 day search through trash 20 feet deep, authorities found Torrey’s remains on May 31 in a Commerce City landfill. Page had thrown her son away.  


Page was charged with first degree murder and child abuse resulting in death.




Age: 6 months

Location: Commerce City, Colorado

Suspect in death: Sharriecka Page, Mother

Aug. 16,2011 - March 1, 2012

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