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Mirabelle Thao-Lo
























Ka Yang has a total of four children, so what would make her torture her youngest child to death? Mirabelle died on March 17th from life threatening burns after her mother threw her in the microwave and pressed start. Police were called about an infant in distress but, when they arrived six week old Mirabelle was already dead. Paramedics were told Mirabelle died from a seizure. However, authority discovered that Mirabelle suffered from extensive thermal injuries, which is very unique. She suffered serious fourth degree burns on her face, but her clothes and hair weren't damaged at all. Yang continued with her string of lies. One of the things she told detectives was that she dropped her baby on a space heater when she had a seizure. Police found Mirabelle's pacifier in the microwave oven in Yang's kitchen. An autopsy revealed she'd suffered from deep and mysterious burns. The radiation from the microwave essentially cooked the child's stomach and small intestine. Mirabelle’s burns were so severe that the coroner cannot even confirm how long she was roasted in the microwave.


Ka Yang’s lawyer tried to defend her actions by telling the judge her actions are excusable because she suffers from severe seizures. Her seizures supposedly led her to throw her six week old baby in the microwave. Yang claimed she 'had a seizure and did not know what happened after that.’ Instead of the death sentence, Ka Yang will spend the rest of her life in prison.


Unknown - March 17, 2011


     Age: 6 Weeks

        Location: Sacramento, California

Suspect in death: Ka Yang, Mother

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