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Michael Clifford Jr.












Erie County Child Protective Services have been involved weeks before Michael died, and then on November 10, 2012 seven week old Michael Clifford Jr. sustained injuries that would take his life. Michael’s mother, Siobhan Thomas went to the home of her the next door neighbor Carlos Maggiolo asking him for help. “The baby looked like he wasn’t breathing for a while already,” Maggiolo said. “I laid him on the couch, starting giving mouth-to-mouth while they were talking with 911. But I think it was too late at that time.” Maggiolo said the parents told him the baby simply woke up that way. They didn’t tell him someone hurt the baby. Michael died at Women and Children’s Hospital.


There were only two adults home when Michael was assaulted both his parents, Michael Clifford Sr., and Siobhan Thomas. Thomas initially told police her 21 month old daughter, hurt Michael by playing too rough. But police say when they tried question the parents further, both of them retained a lawyer and neither one would help police.



According to the autopsy report, Michael had three fractures in his leg and multiple broken ribs, including some older fractures that were healing. Inside Michael’s head were multiple brain bleeds and a hemorrhaged optic nerve, which police and medical experts say are all signs of shaken baby syndrome.


Michael’s death was ruled a homicide, there have been no criminal charges filed and there may never be. While no one has been charged criminally in the case, family court has taken action against the couple. Child Protective Services have taken Michael and Siobhan’s other child, a young girl, and put her in the custody of Michael’s parents, Doug & Lynn Clifford. The elder Cliffords are hoping the judge doesn’t place the little girl back into the home where baby Michael was killed.


Age: 7 Weeks

Location: New York

                  Suspect in death: Michael Clifford Sr. & Siobhan Thomas, Parents

Unknown - Nov. 10,2012

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