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Juliette Serenity Geurts









Juliette was born on November 2, 2005 along with her twin sister Jaelyn to Charyse & Casey Geurts. A year after the twins were born Charyse & Casey married. Sometime in December 2007 Casey & Charyse separated. Casey enrolled in the army to better his life for him & his daughters.


Charyse allowed her boyfriend Dustin Chauncey & his friend Brandon Townsend to move in. On July 10, 2008 Juliette her sister their mother her boyfriend Dustin Chauncey & Brandon Townsend spend the day at the annual Oregon Trail Days. July 11, 2008 at 3 a.m. Charyse & Dustin take Juliette to the E.R, they reported they witnessed her having a seizure & she was running a fever. At 4 a.m. Juliette was sent home with doctor’s orders to be monitored closely. Upon returning home Charyse puts Juliette to bed and takes a sleeping pill even though the doctor told her to closely monitor her daughter. After waking up hours later she found Juliette not breathing in her crib. Charyse went to a neighbor’s home where the neighbor called 911 but Juliette was already dead and had been dead for several hours. On July 18, 2008 the autopsy confirmed that Juliette’s death was a homicide from multiple blunt force trauma to the abdomen & head. Which included a lacerated liver and head trauma. She had other injuries, but the four inch laceration to her liver caused her death. 


Police confirm three adults Charyse Geurts, Dustin Chauncey and Brandon Townsend were all present in the home at the time Juliette was found dead in her crib,but not one of them has been arrested. No one has been charged with her murder. Juliette's mother has lived in several states since the murder. Her father is serving in the Army overseas and Juliette's twin sister Jaelyn is now living with her paternal grandparents.


After almost 4 and 1/2 years, Juliette may finally get justice. On January 14th, 2013 two out of the three adults in the home the night Juliette Geurts died have been indicted on multiple charges. Charyse was lucky and in the year 2013, her charges were dismissed because the statute of limitations ran out. She basically got away with her part in Juliette death. Dustin Chauncey was already in prison serving a four year sentence on firearm and drug charges, when he was charged with child abuse resulting in death and involuntary manslaughter and faces life in prison.  Charyse Geurts was charged with being an accessory to a felony and providing Police with information that turned out to be false and faces a maximum sentence of six years in prison.


In April of 2014, Dustin was indicted on three charges, though in the end he would only be charged with on and that would be child abuse resulting in death. In October of 2014, Judge Leo Dobrovolny postponed the trial of Dustin Chauncey. A theory was offered before the postponement that Brandon Townsend was responsible for the death of Juliette when Juliette's sister allegedly told her grandmother that Brandon was the one who killed her sister. The trial was postponed until January 5, 2015 in order to give the state time to add a new witness to their list.


I was contact via email be a person who would like to be keep anonymous that Casey and Charyse are still together and they have since had two more children, a boy and a girl.


Charyse wasn't about to testify against the man she claimed had brutally beaten her daughter to death and it's not clear to me why she wouldn't want to put him away for life, it seems to me as though she has something to hide. A subpoena force her into court, however, when she took the stand, she refused to say anything and the Judge found her in contempt and ordered her to serve three days in jail. On February 26, 2015 Juliette’s family finally get the justice they had been waiting for. A Grand Jury indicted Dustin Chauncey who was brought to trial on a charge of intentional child abuse that resulted in death, which is a class B felony.




Friday, April 10, 2015

"I've waited seven years for this. I finally got justice for my granddaughter"


















"I think it will be a lot of tears. A lot of mixed emotions. I don't think we
were able to really grieve. We have been fighting so hard. We will finally
be able to grieve. We hope that family ties can come together again. We
hope we can begin healing together. Our family has gone through so much"

Nov. 2, 2005 - July 11, 2008


Age: 2 years 8 months

Location: Nebraska

Suspect in death:  Dustin Chauncey, Mother's boyfriend


Dustin Chauncey will serve 40 years in prison before being eligible for parole.As Scotts Bluff County District Court Judge Leo Dobrovolny announced the sentence of 80 years to life.

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