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Julian Adams-Lacas












There is never an excuse to hurt an innocent baby. Justin Taylor stole baby Julian’s life and shows NO remorse and takes NO responsibility for what he has done.


Julian was born July 13, 2008 with bright blue eyes. Other than that, this little angel didn’t have many gifts. While his mother Krista Adams was pregnant with him, she said she was the victim of domestic violence at the hands of Julian’s father. Adams smoked marijuana while she was pregnant and she admits to having had a problem with methamphetamines. Julian was born with a cleft lip and palate, which made feeding and nourishment difficult.


His father, Justin Michael Taylor, had “rage problems,” Adams said, and he would get frustrated when feeding Julian. But she said, he usually directed that rage at her, not the kids. Baby Julian died of blunt trauma to the head and neck in February 2009 after he was left alone with his father, while Julian’s mother was job hunting with her sister. When the two returned home, there was something wrong. Adams told the Denver Post “As soon as I picked him up, he started making a really funny noise, almost like a muffled cry,”.  “He couldn’t hold his head up, and his legs were very stiff.”


Taylor was the only one home when the incident happened, and Taylor told several versions of events. He claimed Julian’s 19 month old sister dropped a book or stepped on his head. He also used an expletive to refer to Julian and said the boy had kicked him and that he accidentally dropped Julian. He later told police that perhaps the child “forcefully fell from my arms.” Baby Julian’s injuries were caused by shaking or a combination of shaking and the impact of hitting the floor.


Taylor is serving a 48 year prison sentence for child abuse resulting in death.  “There were never any tears,” Adams told the Denver Post of Taylor’s reaction to Julian’s death. “He actually, at points when he did speak, he tried to joke about things.


Age: 6 Months

Location: Wetminster, Colorado

 Suspect in death: Justin Taylor, father

July 13, 2008 - February 4, 2009

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