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Jordan Jeremiah Corbin










On December 26th, 2013, even though it was cold outside, Nicholas and Desirah put their son Jordan into his stroller and made a trip to Walmart. After shopping, they went across the street to Wendy's and had something to eat. Another customer in the restaurant was said to be so shocked at the way Jordan looked that she gave the couple $20 and told them to buy him some food. The woman also let the store's employees know about her concern for this baby.


Upon returning home, it was discovered that Jordan was cold and stiff so they put him into some warm water, but then many hours later, they did nothing at all for him, though they cooked themselves a meal and ate dinner. At some point, they called Salina Regional Health Center and were advised to call 911, they cleaned the house instead.  Jordan was not sick, he was not suffering from anything that would have cause him to stop eating.  Jordan's parents just decided they would stopped feeding him. When police responded to the report of an unresponsive child, Jordan Corbin was pronounced dead at the scene he was very thin, so thin that his bones were showing through his skin and hanging off of him.Overturf was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 25 years.  Corbin has pleaded no contest to first degree murder charges as well.


Sept. 29, 2013 - Dec. 26, 2013

Age: 2 Months

Location: Kansas

Suspect in death: Nicholas Corbin, Father & Desirah Overturf, Mother


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