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Emma Leigh Barker









On March 18, 2009, Stacy Barker called police and told them that her daughter had been taken out of her car while she was in a parking lot. Stacey, told authorities that she had been knocked unconscious and possibly raped and when she woke up, she was miles away from the Park-N-Ride where she had been before being knocked out. Stacey said that Emma was taken after she was knocked out. A search lasted for 12 hours before Stacey admitted that her daughter Emma was not kidnapped, she had died accidentally and that she had panicked and dumped her daughter's body next to the highway.


Emma's little 25 pound body was found in a grassy lot near the Golden State Freeway in Sylmar. The autopsy revealed that she had died of suffocation. Emma’s death was consistent with suffocation caused by a hand being placed over her mouth and nose. Stacey was arrested and charged with the murder and assault on a child causing death.


Stacey Barker was 26 years old when she was convicted of murder, assault on a child and child abuse. Stacey was sentenced to 25 years in prison.


Sept. 2, 2007  - March 18, 2009

Age: 18 Months

Location: Lancaster, California

Suspect in death: Stacey Barker, Mother


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