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Emani Moss









Ten year old Emani's body was so emaciated it had no muscle tone, she weighed only 32 pounds at her time of death. The average weight for the average weight of a ten year old girl is 72 pounds. Emani Moss, was starved to death before her body was set on fire and stuffed into a trash.


Georgia’s child services first made contact with the Moss family in 2003 when Emani was only one year old. Caseworkers were told that the baby was not being properly cared for and denied food, but the officials ruled the allegations 'unsubstantiated' and closed the case. Two years later, in April 2005, the agency investigated claims three tear old Emani was suffering emotional and psychological neglect, but these allegations were also dismissed as ‘unsubstantiated.' In December 2008, the DFCS got a tip asking to look into claims of inadequate medical care and possible sexual abuse.


An autopsy determined that Emani’s cause of death was starvation, and that her body was burned after she was dead. Mr. Moss had initially told police that Emani died after swallowing some chemicals. He later changed his story, accusing his wife of poisoning Emani. He eventually admitted that he returned home from work October 24 to find little Emani lying in the bathtub and unable to move. Neither he nor Tiffany Moss, however, seeked medical attention for their daughter because they were afraid they would get in trouble with the law. Emani, parents were both indicted on murder charges.


According to a report from Georgia’s child services agency, Eman Moss bought a trash can and tried to incinerate his daughter's body in it. When the Emani's remains would not burn, he took Emani back home and called police on November 2. It has emerged that Georgia's child protection agency had dismissed a report that Emani had been beaten with a belt. The Division of Family and Children Services did not send caseworkers to interview the girl, examine her injuries or question her parents. Agency officials concluded the beatings were corporal punishment and ended the case despite four prior maltreatment investigations involving Emani.




Age: 10 Years

Location: Georgia

Suspect in death: Eman and Tiffany Moss, Father & Stepmother


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