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Dustyn Skyler Roff








Dustyn’s mother Britni Glover allowed her boyfriend Michael Seaton to look after her son while she went to work. Dustyn had two black, Seaton told Glover that Dustyn got the black eyes from 'a fall'. On December 15, Britni and Michael were arguing over her not coming home for her lunch break. Dustyn walked into the room and Michael backhanded him in the face and Dustyn ran into his bedroom. Michael left for a few minutes and when he came back he went into Dustyn's room, he grabbed him and started shaking him and then threw him on the floor and started hitting him on his back and his stomach, with his fists. Britni  watched as Michael beat her four year old son. She did nothing to help her son. She later heard Dustyn complain of stomach pain. She did nothing. The next morning, she found her son, Dustyn unconscious and not breathing in his bed. She called emergency services. Dustyn was pronounced death at the scene. Dustyn was beaten to death, his body was covered in more than 100 bruises and had two black eyes when he was found. There was also severe damage to his internal organs. His cause of death was found to be blunt force trauma. The bruises were at different healing stages, showing that Dustyn had been beaten viciously over a number of weeks.


Prior to Dustyn's death, reports had been filed with Child Protection Services for neglect and possible physical abuse. The first was filed in September 2009, alleging "neglectful supervision of the child by the mother," and the second was filed for "possible physical abuse." Both cases provided no location information for the mother or child. Seaton was on probation in a 2009 child injury case in Lee County.


On December 22, 2011 Michael Seaton was charged with capital murder. He agreed to a plea deal in the case that would allow him to spend on 50 years in prison. Glover was also been charged with injury to her child, serious bodily injury, and for not protecting him from Seaton. Britni Glover received a 50 year sentence.


Dec.1, 2007 - Dec.16, 2011


Age: 4 Years

Location: Houston, Texas

Suspect in death: Michael Seaton, Mother's boyfriend

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