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Donnell Coakley












Tylesha was pregnant when she beat her son Donnell to death with an electrical cord and a belt, Donnell was hit over 100 times and had a chipped tooth, injuries on his bottom, legs, back and head and had a large open wound which exposed the muscle on his left arm as well as patches of his hair missing. On his body were burn marks and his wrists showed signs of having been tied up, the tips of his fingers were bruised and he at least one fingernail that was missing.


After determining that her viciously abused and malnourished three year old second cousin was dead, Dominique Lott went out, bought some marijuana and then smoked it with the child’s parents near the toddler’s battered corpse. Tylesha and Donnell Coakley Sr. tried to warm their son’s body after Coakley tried to resuscitate Donnell. Griffin didn’t call 911 until hours later well after Donnell took his last breath. Responding officers found wounds on Donnell’s wrists consistent with being bound. Donnell was taken to Presence Saint Francis Hospital in Evanston, where he died about an hour later.


 Lott, who had been living with Griffin and Coakley told police she’d also put her foot down on the child when hitting him and beat him for not knowing his numbers or the alphabet. Donnell Sr. was said to have beat this child at least twice a day, every day and that at least two weeks before he died.

Age: 3 Years 

Location: Illinois

Suspect in death: Dominique Lott, Cousin, Tylesha Griffen &  Donnell Coakley Sr., Parents

Unkonown - Nov. 7,  2014

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