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Cody Wayne Wood







When Cody was six months his involvement with Larimer County began when he was diagnosed as failing to thrive. It ended when of Cody's mother’s boyfriend Joshua Carr jumped on Cody in anger and lacerated his liver. 18 month old Cody Wood died at McKee Medical Center in Loveland. He suffered blunt force trauma to the abdomen, and it resulted in a severe laceration which caused Cody to bleed out. In addition to the abdominal trauma, Cody also had a bruise on his back and one broken rib, according to the coroner.


Three of Cody’s relatives his aunt, biological father and grandmother called the county child abuse agency in vain in the weeks before he was killed. Four days before Cody’s death, Poudre Valley Hospital failed to report suspicious injuries and sent Cody home with two skull fractures.


Carr was babysitting Cody while the boy's mother, Melissa Wood, was working at a Loveland restaurant. Investigators said that Carr was rough housing with Cody when he was killed. Cody’s mother and Carr's family said that the boy's death was an accident. No charges have been filed against Wood. Carr is serving a life sentence in prison.


Unknown - August , 2001


Age: 18 months

Location: Colorado

                  Suspect in death: Joshua Carr, Mother's boyfriend

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