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Brylee Grace Watson













Watson called 911 about 10:45 p.m. and said Brylee was not breathing. Officers found Brylee Watson not breathing and began performing CPR. Brylee was transported to OU Children's Medical Center. Upon examination by attending physicians, it was determined Brylee was a victim of abuse. Doctors found Brylee suffered from nine different fractures including both arms, clavicles, her right femur, ribs and her skull, causing severe bleeding in the brain. Brylee died after being removed from life support. A medical examiner’s report shows blunt force head trauma caused Btylee’s death. Other injuries included a lacerated liver.


Brylee’s mother Aubrey Watso, was at work when her daughter was beaten and taken to the hospital. When detectives questioned Watson about the injuries, he gave them four different stories. Watson initially said he laid Brylee down in her crib and checked back on her a few moments later and she was not breathing. He then stated he was carrying Brylee when he tripped over their cat, dropping Brylee to the concrete floor then falling on top of her. Watson then claimed two black males broke into his house, stole money from him and then physically abused Brylee and another two year old in the home. Finally, Watson admitted to causing the injuries and said he was upset about his failing relationship with his wife and took it out on Brylee.


Watson plead guilty to one count of first degree murder and one count of child abuse as part of his plea deal. Watson was sentenced to life in prison on each count.

Nov. 9, 2009 - Jan. 18, 2010


 Age: 2 Months

Location: Oklahoma

Suspect in death: Jacob Watson, Father

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