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Asher Drake












Asher lived with his father Anthony Dilworth and his father’s girlfriend Kyrie Kyle. Ashton was a victim of continued abuse, up until the final beating that put him on life support. Kyle called 911 after beating four year old Asher Drake. She was saying that her child was having a seizure.  Asher was taken to the emergency room where hospital staff requested that an officer visit the emergency room to investigate possible child abuse. Hospital staff said Asher had multiple bruises on his buttocks, chest and arms.


Police interviewed Kyle and she admitted that she pushed Asher into a dresser inside of his bedroom and then closed the door, leaving him unconscious on the floor for about 30 minutes before checking on him. When she opened the door Asher had started "twitching" and throwing up she said. Kyle told investigators that Dilworth had hit Asher hard "all the time with his Crocs.” Dilworth told investigators that he had in the past hit Asher with his Crocs and his belt "to the point that he felt bad about it."


Asher died at Le Bonheur Children's Hospital from a traumatic brain injury. Kyle was charged with first degree felony murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated assault and aggravated child neglect or endangerment. Anthony Dilworth was not home at the time of incident, but was charged with child abuse and child neglect/endangerment because of evidence of prior abuse found on Ashton’s body.


Age: 4 Years

Location: Tennessee

 Suspect in death: Kyrie Kyle, Father's girlfriend

March 6, 2010 - August 2, 2014

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