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Anna Celeste Lowe










Anna, had been taken away from her biological mother after allegations of sexual and physical abuse. Even with the evidence that Jamie Mercer had done nothing wrong and her father Wesley gained temporary custody of this sweet angel. Wesley had previous been accused of abusing two other children in his home and that complaint was not ever taken seriously. One of Anna's teachers had noticed a bruise on her and reported that, in December. When he was questioned, Wesley said that Jamie had done. There is no possible way Jaime could have done it, since she had not seen her daughter since October. However, his excuse was accepted. Detectives who were working on the case never spoke to Anna to find out what had REALLY happened to her and even though he knew that Jamie was not allowed to see her daughter.


Then on January 13, 2011 Anna did not go to school, instead workers at the daycare center that Celeste was attending and her Catherine worked, insisted that Catherine take Anna to the hospital after they realized there was something wrong with her. She was a pale blue color and unable to walk or stand on her own.Of course a loving, caring stepmother would immediately have gone to the hospital and get med medical attention, but NOT Catherine. Catherine left work and passed several hospitals she could have stopped at, instead she drove until she go to the grocery store,as she left Anna dying alone in the vehicle as she went inside to buy Gatorade. Catherine then took Anna home back home Wesley Lowe, was there he saw his daughter and they took her to the hospital where she was pronounced dead.


Anna Lowe, suffered injuries in her abdominal area. How these injuries occurred is still unknown, but it is known that she had been dead for hours before her father and stepmother took her to the hospital. Maybe, if they taken her before she died, she may have lived. Anna arrived to emergency room at 9:30 a.m. tests indicated that her time of death to be approximately two hours prior to her arrival. Anna Celeste has bruising and trauma over her entire body. Coroner reports indicated that 'rigor mortis' had begun taking effect and was present in Anna’s face. It has been confirmed that Anna died as a result of internal injuries and bleeding into the body cavity.


Wesley and Catherine gave contradicting statements. Upon interviewing, Wesley and Catherine, said hat Anna’s injuries and, vomiting and extreme abdominal pain was believed to have been a common stomach virus. As the interview continued Catherine said that she called Wesley early Thursday morning expressing concern for Anna’s health. Catherine said that Wesley told her not to bring the child to the hospital, because then Child Protective Services would get involved and he had a prior incident with CPS in Nebraska. Wow really that what he was worried about that, he should have been the last thing on his mind. As a father he should have been more concerned about the care of his daughter and what was happening to her. The allegations out of Nebraska, against Wesley, reportedly are related to a domestic abuse battery arrest.


June 13, 2005 - January 13, 2011


Age: 5 Years

Location: Louisiana

Suspect in death: Wesley Lowe, Father & Catherine Murray Lowe, Stepmother

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